UDL HOLDINGS<00620> - Announcement

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Decision of the Takeovers and Mergers Panel

On 13th September, 2001 a hearing took place before the 
Takeovers and Mergers Panel to review a ruling of the 
Takeovers Executive on whether the subscription by 
Harbour Front Limited for shares in UDL Holdings 
resulted in a general offer obligation arising. The 
Panel ruled that a general offer obligation had arisen 
but decided to exercise its discretion under the Hong 
Kong Codes on Takeovers and Mergers and Share 
Repurchases and waived any offer obligation arising 
upon Harbour Front as a consequence of the subscription. 
Consequently, no general offer will be made and Harbour 
Front is permitted to maintain its shareholding at 
42.03% of the issued share capital of UDL Holdings 

On 13th September, 2001 a hearing took place before the 
Takeovers and Mergers Panel to review a ruling of the 
Takeovers Executive on whether the subscription by 
Harbour Front Limited for shares in UDL Holdings 
resulted in a general offer obligation arising. Further 
to its press releases on 17th September and 3rd October, 
2001, the Takeovers Panel released a written ruling 
that UDL shares issued to the Scheme Administrator 
under a Scheme of Arrangement in May 2000 amounted to 
voting rights within the definition of the Hong Kong 
Codes on Takeovers and Mergers and Share Repurchases. 
In light of the Panel's ruling, technically two general 
offer obligations had arisen: the first, when shares 
were issued to the Scheme Administrator in May 2000 (as 
these shares amounted to 50% of UDL's issued share 
capital) and the second, as a result of a subscription 
of UDL shares by Harbour Front Limited (UDL's 
controlling shareholder) in May 2001 (which increased 
its shareholding from below to above the 35% threshold). 
The Panel decided to exercise its powers under the Codes 
and waive both the Scheme Administrator's and Harbour 
Front's general offer obligations.

Accordingly, there will be no general offer as a result 
of the issue of UDL shares to the Scheme Administrator 
in May 2000 or to Harbour Front in May 2001. Harbour 
Front is permitted to maintain its shareholding at 
42.03% of the issued share capital of UDL Holdings 
Limited. A copy of these decisions and the relevant 
provisions of the Codes can be found in the Takeovers 
and Mergers Panel Decisions section of the SFC Website 
at http://www.hksfc.org.hk

Current shareholding structure

The Board of Directors of UDL Holdings announce that 
the shareholding structure of UDL according to the list 
of shareholders as at 31st August, 2001 available to 
the Company is as follows:

Shareholder     Number of Shares                Shareholding and
                        voting rights %

Harbour Front Limited and
its associates (Note 1) 254,533,653             42.03
Non-preferential scheme creditors
(Note 2)        252,306,195             41.67
Other members of the public
(Note 3)        98,695,020              16.30

Total   605,534,868             100.00

Note 1.

Harbour Front, a company incorporated in the British 
Virgin Islands, together with its wholly-owned 
subsidiary, Multi-Wishes, and its associate, Mrs. 
Leung Yu Oi Ling, own 254,533,653 shares in aggregate, 
representing approximately 42.03% of the total issued 
share capital. Harbour Front, Multi-Wishes and Mrs. 
Leung are holding 247,415,258 shares, 6,821,395 shares 
and 297,000 shares respectively.

Harbour Front is holding the above shares (save for 
those shares owned by Mrs. Leung) as trustee of a unit 
trust. All units in the trust are beneficially owned 
by a discretionary trust, the beneficiaries of which 
include all direct members of the family of Mrs. Leung 
except her husband, Mr. Leung Yat Tung, former 
executive director and former chairman of the Company.

Note 2.

The scheme shares are currently held by the Scheme 
Administrator. The exact number of the scheme shares 
to be distributed to each non-preferential scheme 
creditor cannot be finalized before completion of 
determination of all claims under the scheme 
notwithstanding that the Scheme Administrator is 
entitled to make any interim distribution based upon 
the amount of qualified and determined 
non-preferential scheme debts while the potential 
amount of the other non-preferential scheme debts are 
still pending determination.

As at the date of this announcement, no 
non-preferential scheme debts have been determined and 
thus no scheme shares have been distributed to the 
non-preferential scheme creditors. According to the 
updated records of the scheme available to the 
directors no single non-preferential scheme creditor 
(together with its associates, if any) will have an 
interest of 10% or more in the total issued share 
capital of the Company. Accordingly, as none of the 
non-preferential scheme creditors is expected to be a 
substantial shareholder of the Company, the 
non-preferential scheme creditors on receiving the 
distribution of scheme shares will be treated as public 

Note 3.

Other members of the public are those shareholders 
holding the shares apart from those held by Harbour 
Front and its associates and the scheme creditors. So 
far as the Company is aware no shareholder categorised 
as Public has an interest of 10% or more in the issued 
share capital of the Company.

By order of the board of
UDL Holdings Limited
Irene Leung Yu Oi Ling
Acting Chairman

Hong Kong, 5th October, 2001

All the directors of UDL Holdings jointly and severally 
accept full responsibility for the accuracy of the 
information contained in this announcement and confirm, 
having made all reasonable inquiries, that to the best 
of their knowledge, opinions expressed in this 
announcement have been arrived at after due and careful 
consideration and there are no other facts not 
contained in this announcement, the omission of which 
would make any statement in this announcement 